march 12 | main index | march 14

Neither of us slept very well last night, so we got up early and walked around a bit looking at the bird aviaries and taking photos of some plants. We were in the kitchen talking softly so as not to wake the girls when Doug and Cody arrived around 9:30 am. Cody immediately wanted to go waterskiing, so Eric volunteered to be the watcher on the boat and I grabbed my camera for photos.

After the boys got back, we scrounged around for some food and all went out on the boat. Doug drove us out to calm, peaceful area and we had a few beers, good conversation and some sun. By now, I knew to slather myself in sunblock as the midday African sun is not kind to my easily burning skin.

We relaxed until dinner with a few amusing episodes in between. One of the goats had gotten loose from the pen and decided to come visit the patrons to see if there was anything tasty to eat. He found a braai to his liking belonging to the people behind us, so I had to snap a few photos. He then attempted to eat the woman's hat when she tried to convince him to move on.

We also had a large white local goose who apparently ruled the area. He was almost twice as large as the Egyptian goose and much larger than the other ducks nearby. He honked loudly and persistently but was generally friendly and photogenic.

Braai for dinner consisted of ostrich sausage (much better than the biltong), lemon chicken thighs and lamb. Garlic bread and potatoes as side dishes and of course, Savannah dry cider with lemon. Everything was very tasty.

At this point, I wanted nothing more than a shower, so we hiked over to the bathrooms and I rinsed off all the sun block from the day. I was a little pink, but fortunately not burnt. There were mosquitoes everywhere on the walls and celing, but I was fortunate to get away with only one insect bite the whole time we were there.

Because there is no air conditioning, we had to leave the windows open all day to cool the place down and lots of flies were buzzing around when we were getting ready for bed. We killed at least 8 or 9 before bed and last one hung out on the ceiling and left us alone. Cody and Courtney took the bunk beds, we got the full-sized bed and Veda and Doug slept on a mattress in the kitchen area.

march 12 | main index | march 14