Villa la Angostura, February 2025 heading to Villa la Angostura from the airportIrish Stout and a Strog Red Ale at RusticaLa Típica pizza at Rusticaour apartment complexso many dried pasta optionstrail to the beachPlaya La Aguada del BurroPlaya La Aguada del BurroAguada del Burro cascadepotato tree bloomsMirador Lago Espejosmallest river in the worldRio Correntosoview from Fishermans BeachVilla la Angostura signManzano BayRustica Pizza Barstreet signsBenroth chocolatesBlest brewerymobile ATM van!giant snowman welcoming visitorsposting with the VlA sign in townour waiter took a photoLago EspejoLago Correntosohike informationtrail to Ñivinco FallsÑivinco Falls hikeÑivinco FallsÑivinco Fallscold water creek crossing!Lago FalknerLago Machónicosugar skulls hopscotchbest chocolate bar of the tripSan Martin plazaview from San Martin beachwaiting for our empanadas to be heatedalfajore from Delicias de la PatagoniaSan Martín de los Andeson Hwy 40 headed southPeruvian liliesLago HermosoVuliñanco Fallsstart of the uphill Cascada Inacayal hikeMirador BelvedereMirador Belvederetop of Cascada InacayalCascada Inacayal upper cascadeCascada Inacayalposing with a very large treecrocosmiamutisia flowerSouthern lapwingblack-faced ibiscollection of pastriesPuerto Angosturaselfie at Mirador Bahía MansaMirador Bahía MansaMirador Bahía Mansaa lot of steps to the overlookscinnamon-colored tree (arrayanes)Chimango caracaraEric at Blest breweryEl Mercado at sunsetchicken milanesa with ham and cheeseEric made a friend at dinnerwaiting in line for gasRP 65 viewsCascada Catarataspart of the trail to Cascada Cataratasthe road was very dustyone parking lot = two waterfallsCascada a BlancoCascada a Coa Co wide anglebull thistleCascada a Coa CoLago TrafulRP 65 east of Villa TrafulTraful River valleyRP 65 east of Villa TrafulValle Encantadoselfie at Mirador AnfiteatroMirador Anfiteatro