Southern Spain, November 2018 a very old olive treearound the world in 80 treesblood sausage nacaluboarding our plane to madridcannon viewscastillo sohail groundscastillo sohailcastillo sohailcastillo sohailcastillo sohailcava in the malaga loungechocolate hedgehogscolorful walkway in madrid airportcool staircase in our hotelcosta del sol viewscosta del sol viewscrtamacstillo de crtamadried grapesel callatoel estrecho menuel estrecho streetel gastronautaentry wayeric castillo sohailes parents in a sherry barfiguring out the butane space heaterfountain malaga botanical gardenfountain malaga botanical gardenfunny charactershibiscus malaga botanical gardenjamon el gastronautakonfusion tapas cocktail barmalaga botanical gardenmalaga botanical gardenmalaga botanical gardenmalaga botanical gardenmalaga botanical gardenmalaga botanical gardenmalaga cathedralmalaga cathedralmalaga ready for christmasmalaga ready for christmasmarbella bridgemarbella bridgeme castillo sohailmom in front of a fancy doornacalupork loin el callatopotted plants in marbellapotted plants in marbellaroman amphitheater in malagaroman ampitheatersalted potato app nacalusaluda rusa el callatosan telmo aquaductsea viewssherry barrelsskinny streets in marbellastaying in for dinnerstrawberry cheesecake el callatostreet artsunsetthe artist at workwalking down to the coast in marbella