Salzburg, November 2010 a decorative doora snowy mozartanother decorative doorapple strudel and beeraustriabuildings in the rockchamoischristkindlmarkt flagchristkindlmarkt in festung hohensalzburgchristmas decorationsdirectionsdunkel at franziskischlosslentrance to schloss mirabellfestung hohensalzburgfestung hohensalzburgfestung hohensalzburgfortress in the snowfranziskischlosslgeisberggluhwein stand in the snowinside the salzburger domkapuzinerklosterkeyhole windowlittle snowballlovely trailmarket goodiesme trying to photograph the beersmuellner kircheold town from the top of the fortressold town salzburg sunriseold town salzburg sunriseold town salzburgour first beers in austriaour purchases alps salt and gingerbread liquersalzach riversalzburg sunrisesalzburg and the alpssalzburg apartmentssalzburg at night on the salzachsalzburg christkindlmarktsalzburg panoramasalzburg streetsalzburgschloss mirabell gardensschloss mirabell gardensschloss mirabell gardensst peters cemeteryst peters cemeterysteep entrance from the streetsunrise over the salzachsunrisethe salzburger domthe view southtiny door into franziskischlosslunicornsuniversity courtyard in salzburgup early for the sunriseview from a pedestrian bridgeview of old townwait what