Istanbul, October 2015 astan galata entrancebaklavabeyolu gz eitim ve aratrma hastanesi hospitalblue mosque at nightblue mosque w pink fountainblue tilebosphorusbosphorusbreakfast smoked salmon and jelliesbusy street in kadkycatching the ferry back to the european sidechandelier detailcrossing the galata bridgedo not sit on the stepsdried fruits the spice marketentrance to the tnel funicularentrance to thefirst be yourselffresh fish gillsfresh fruitgalata bridgegalata tower view from breakfastgrand baazarhagia sofia detailshagia sofia domehagia sofia lightshagia sofia mosaichagia sofia under construction but still beautifulhagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sofiahagia sophia towerhagia sophiaim on a boatinlayist 103istanbul emnnistanbul sleymaniye camiistanbulkitchen scenekonak cafelahmacun turkish pizzalamplast dinner in istanbullion detailmixed nutsnight time bar viewsnostalgic street carortaky mosqueour classoutdoor seating nolapanda galata towerpepper flakes of all kindspicklesporch detailsarcophagus detailsimit and hagia sophiasleymaniye cami carpetsleymaniye cami interiorsleymaniye camisleymaniye camisleymaniye camisleymaniye camiso much baklavaspice market boothspices spice marketspoce shopstreet artstreet artstreet artstreet artstreet artstreet artsultan ahmed ceilingsultan ahmedsultan ahmedsultan ahmedsultan ahmedsultan ahmedthe finished product i ate only about a third of thisthe flower passage now filled with fish restaurantsticket to ridetombs of hagia sophiatombs of hagia sophiatombs of hagia sophiatopkapi palace detailtopkapi palace tiletopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palacetopkapi palaceturkish flagyeni cami new mosqueyeni cami new mosqueyeni cami new mosqueyeni cami new mosqueyeni cami new mosque