Florida’s Gulf Coast, February 2024 Eighth State Brewing CoEric's flight of soursWelcome to the West EndReedy River Fallstaps at Mandeville Beer GardenWelcome to Siesta KeyHeidi’s Schnitzel Kitchen interiorClydesdale horses!Tiny House vacation rentalsdaquiri happy hour at sunsetsunset from the Daquiri Deckpelican in flightCrescent Beach sunsetRed Bug Sloughroseate spoonbill in flightgreen herongreat blue heronlittle blue heronludwigia peruvianalittle blue heronsour and dark at Calusa BrewingItalian beef with hot peppers from Tony's3 Bridges Brewing patiobrown pelicanseagull at sunsetthe hill at Celery Fieldsroseate spoonbillglossy ibiscurry and biryani at Royal Peacock Indian KitchenSiesta Key Oyster Barhappy hour oysterspelican in flightBrew Life Brewingfree video games at Brew Life BrewingEric back on Eckerd's campusmake your own cheese board at Lolita'soutdoor seating at Lolita'snightcap at Pinellas Ale Worksfood truck charcuterie boxLeandra and Al!Sherwood relaxingSherwood sillinessrelaxing with Al before breakfast3 Car Garage BrewingRon and Cindybrisket sandwich and collardsE + L 2024us at sunset on Crescent Beachdiving pelicanscommon gallinulesandhill cranegray-headed swamphenalligator at Celery Fieldssandhill cranes calling in unisona very grassy turtleblue-winged tealsWilson's snipeanhingatri-colored heron with fishtri-colored herongreat blue herons in flightTony's Chicago Beef Co. interiorDaft Cow Brewing interior