Segovia, September 2023 Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Parkbedroom at Hotel Apartamentos ARALSObathroom and kitchen at Hotel Apartamentos ARALSOtourist map from the front deskIglesia de San MartínIglesia de San Martínapproaching the aquaductRoman aquaductRoman aquaductRoman aquaducttiled building facades in SegoviaSegovia from the Postigo Del Consueloselfie with a 1st century aquaduct!Statue of the DevilCatedral de Segoviawine and tapas at Bar RubiCatedral de SegoviaEnlosado de la CatedralMirador del Jardín de FromkesAlcázar de SegoviaAlcázar de Segoviaselfie with sunset and castleAlcázar de SegoviaSegoviaSegoviaSegovia streetscroquettes and morcilla at El Sitiosmoky gigantic beans at El SitioIglesia de San Martínaquaduct at nightaquaduct at sunriseinside the aquaductancient water cisternthe arches get to be my size!one last shot of the cathedralthe free municipal lotIglesia de la Vera Cruz