Scotland, May 2013 castle terrace0106106arthurs seatbagpipersballoch castleballoch castlebeautiful stone bridgebeers brewdogboombracklinn falls bridgebracklinn fallsbracklinn fallsbracklinn fallsbrauhausbrea good burgers and beercallandercandlemaker rowcannon about to go off 1pmcastle nightcastle inncemetary gateclocktower on the royal mileclocktowerdowntown stirlingdunbars close gardenedinburgh duskedinburgh airport control toweredinburgh castleedinburgh castleedinburgh castleedinburghentrance to brewdogeric enjoying his pot pieeric in the military prisonfalkirk wheel in motionfalkirk wheelfalls of dochartfalls of fallochfinlarig castle ruinsforest flowersgate at palace of holyroodhousegravestonesgreengreyfriars cemetaryguard at edinburgh castleguards at the palace of holyroodhouseheather the highland cowhey lookhigh streethike though queen elizabeth forest parkhouse beers lade inni am drinking a beer in scotlandinversnaid waterfallkeyholekilchurn castlekill the hypekillin hillslion statue in front of st margerets chapellittle fawn fallslittle fawn fallslocal music at the oxloch arkletloch aweloch fishingloch venacharlooking south toward dounemar place and broad streetmars wark cemetarymassive fireplaceme with stone wallsmemorialmish mashmons megmossymumsmussels whiskinarrow alleynelson monumentold buildingsoverlooking edinburghoverlooking edinburghoverlooking edinburghoverlooking loch ardpure malt lade innpurpleraspberry cranachanred doorrubbing a big toe for lucksafer for childrensamuraiscottish countrysidescottish parliament facadescottish roadshady pathsheepso greenso many busessoldier in front of national war museumst giles cathedralst margerets chapelstained glassstirling castle from belowstirling castle wallstirling churchstirlingstreet artstreet artstreet artthe bow barthe dogsthe hubthe road to balloch castlethe royal milethree of the strongest beers on the marketumview from a cannonwallace monumentwalls in killinwee creepy housewhew just made itwhisky flight whiskiwild sheepwild sheepwildflowerswooly cows and countryside