a backyard landscaping weekend

by | May 14, 2012 | Daily life, House

In March we had a landscaping company come out and do most of the heavy lifting to get our backyard in shape. To finish it off we needed to add new plants and more mulch. On Friday, we had 5 cubic yards(!) of both soil and mulch delivered to the house, then on Saturday morning, we went to the Raleigh Farmer’s Market and picked up a bunch of new plants. We found herbs and flowers for the new planter boxes, some new perennials for our other raised beds, and hanging ferns for the front porch. After a quick beer and lunch at Flying Saucer it was time for manual labor!

farmer's market spoils
I am amazed that Eric could get all these plants to fit! [eric’s note: where there’s a will there’s a way]

at the start of the day Saturday
lots and lots and lots of mulch and dirt

small planter box
the finished planter box, one of two

newly mulched areas and planter boxes
lots of mulching and planting

newly mulched yard!
the newly mulched yard with better drainage

left side of front yard
plus a little TLC for the front yard too

that's a lot of wheelbarrow loads!
most of the mulch was used, and a little less than half the dirt so far

Tagged with: backyard | Garden | landscaping

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