Bathroom remodel begins…

by | Jan 26, 2011 | House

Demolition began on our master bathroom last week when we were in E&L Gallery. It’s quite exciting to finally start on the actual work of this project, but also a rather strange feeling to leave a working bathroom on Friday and come home to a gutted shell a few days later!

Under wraps
at least we have a spare room to sleep in for the next few weeks

To be determined...
Notice the easy attic access! The far side by the small ladder will be the new shower, and the pipes near the white bucket will be one of the two new undermount sinks

Thankfully our contractor didn’t find any major issues under the old bathroom. With all of the permits in place the remodel has now begun in earnest with the plumbing rough-in this week, to be followed by interior framing, re-subflooring, and installation of new windows. Riesling is going to have a long winter protecting this house…

Tagged with: House | renovation

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