- Have your brand new wine fridge deboxed in your driveway and hauled up five steps, through a hallway and into your dining room by two delivery men.
- Admire said wine fridge until your husband gets home, pour a glass of wine to pass the time.
- Wait 48 hours until you can plug it in, something about the coolant having to settle. Be slightly annoyed.
- Spend 20 minutes comparing carpet coaster sizes in Target in order to raise the fridge a quarter of an inch so the door doesn’t scrape the carpeting.
- Thank God that your husband suggested via text message getting two per foot so you don’t have to go back to Target to buy more.
- Unpack the extra shelves and discuss how much space is needed between the shelves to optimize sliding feature and visual uniformity.
- Make a lemonade martini for each of you.
- Install shelves.
- Watch husband load the wine fridge using some classification system but as long as you know where the reds are, it doesn’t really matter.
- Plug in wine fridge. (finally)
- Follow the instructions to the letter and watch as the display alternately blinks “od” and the current temperature at you.
- Search google for an explanation for this, come up empty.
- After several minutes, rejoice that the wine fridge suddenly seems to get the message, stops blinking and starts cooling. Hooray!
- Eight hours later, enjoy your perfectly chilled bottle of wine. :)