aww shucks

by | Jul 19, 2008 | Canine, Daily life

This morning marked our first time at the Raleigh farmer’s market this summer and we had one main goal in mind… sweet corn! We also picked up some peaches, sweet peppers, cucumbers (4 for $1!) and zinnias.

As soon as we got home, Eric set up his shucking station outside and Riesling supervised. This is the look I got when I asked her to sit.

Mama, can’t you see I am trying to beg for corn here?

She managed to get a few stray kernels and I’m sure she’ll get another chance to finish our leftovers after dinner.

Tagged with: Riesling | sweet corn

Our Itinerary

2025 Trips

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Feb)
Bariloche, Argentina (Feb)
Iguazu Falls, Argentina (Feb)
Miami, FL (Feb)
Boston, MA (Apr)
Kathmandu, Nepal (May)
Bhutan (May)
Slovenia (Sep)
Treviso, Italy (Sep)
Bologna, Italy (Sep)
Turin, Italy (Oct)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
Pacific NW (Jun)
Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)