I needed one more thing to worry about

by | May 29, 2008 | Daily life

First of all, this is our 501st(!) post since we started with WordPress two years ago this month. Time does fly!

So, about the post title… Eric arrived home on Tuesday with the news that on his way home from work a stone hit his windshield making a crack that would definitely not pass inspection come fall.

We were going to just deal with it when we got back, but he noticed a 50% off deal that Safelite.com was running, so we scheduled the replacement for this afternoon.

The technician, Matt, was quick and courteous and didn’t blink an eye when I started taking photos. :)

It was a $230 oopsie, but thankfully, did not involve an entire day of sitting at a car repair place.

Our Itinerary

2025 Trips

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Feb)
Bariloche, Argentina (Feb)
Iguazu Falls, Argentina (Feb)
Miami, FL (Feb)
Boston, MA (Apr)
Kathmandu, Nepal (May)
Bhutan (May)
Slovenia (Sep)
Treviso, Italy (Sep)
Bologna, Italy (Sep)
Turin, Italy (Oct)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
Pacific NW (Jun)
Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)