our new coffee table (finally)

by | May 2, 2008 | Daily life, House

The day after we got back from Christmas, we bought this coffee table during a huge sale at Nowell’s Furniture. That would be January 3, 2008; we were hoping to have it for the Superbowl.

We just picked it up yesterday.

The furniture store called to say it was going to be an extra few weeks, but it took four months. Granted, the delay wasn’t entirely their fault, but they could have made more of an effort to ease the frustration. Like, say, free delivery? Instead, we got excuses, shrugging and transfer of blame. Because of this, I’ll definitely think twice before buying any big ticket items from them in the future.

With that out of the way, look at our new coffee table! Hooray!

We have been looking forever for a small glass coffee table (under 24 inches in diameter) that would fit with our sectional couch. The nice part about this one is that it swivels out to reveal three levels of glass that more than doubles the amount of table space when we need it.

And Eric says it makes the living room look bigger. :)

Tagged with: coffee table | living room

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