why I hate that DC is between us and my in-laws

by | Dec 22, 2007 | Daily life, Travel

Our drive up to Long Island was fairly uneventful in general, the weather cooperated for the most part, only a steady sprinkle through most of Maryland and New Jersey. We weighed several options in terms of times to leave and where we would miss major metropolitan areas during rush hour.

Unfortunately, Washington DC is never without horrible traffic and even though we timed it ‘perfectly’ we still sat in stop and go traffic for well over an hour in the middle of the afternoon. It could have been worse, I know… but it turned a 10 hour drive into an 11.5 hour drive and that is past my limit of car-time.

We arrived just after 9pm, so we enjoyed some chinese food and were able to relax a bit before heading to bed.

Tagged with: car travel | DC traffic

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