Christmas movies

by | Dec 19, 2007 | Daily life

nationallampoonschristmasvacationposter.JPGPart of our Christmas tradition includes watching some of our favorite Christmas movies, so last night we had some friends over to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. A stupid movie, yes, but one that still makes us laugh. It’s hard to believe that we watched this movie in South Africa just one year ago! I hope they’ve forgiven us by now :)

Somehow, Leandra has never seen It’s a Wonderful Life, and while we’ll eventually watch it, I’m not in a big rush to see it again.

There are two other movies that we try to see each Christmas season: A Christmas Story and A Wish for Wings that Work (which ties in with our Opus n’ Bill E&L Gallery). Oddly enough, I was introduced to A Wish… in my high school chorus class, where we spent the last class before Christmas watching it. 12+ years later I still like this movie.

Tagged with: Christmas | movies

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