my favorite part of science… drawing?

by | Jan 17, 2007 | Art

I was the student with the multicolor pens rendering careful and colorful illustrations in all my lab books throughout college. In fact, my lab grades always boosted my overall grade in the course. (Perhaps this is why I did so poorly in chemistry? No drawing? Nah!) I knew the material well enough but was always most at home sketching concepts and images in a realistic way.

Late last year I had to opportunity to complete a few illustrations for a biology professor at NC State University. I received word that the final revision was indeed the last, and now these and a few others have been posted in the brand new scientific illustration area of my other site.

I truly enjoy doing this type of work as it allows me to merge my love of science with my desire to create art. Both of these images were created from scratch in Illustrator CS2.

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