
by | Oct 31, 2006 | Silly


When we got to work this morning, the grey truck on the right and the red car on the left were already there. The red car is clearly taking up more than its fair share of parking space but spots are so few in this crowded lot that I knew someone would try to park next to him anyway.

Eeeehhhnn! Perfect!

And I was right.

The best part is that in order for the Eclipse driver to get out of the car, they would have to hit the passenger door of the red car. I say that person* deserves all the scrapes they get.

*Anyone who knows me IRL knows I typically use far more colorful language when idiots like this park RIGHTNEXT to my truck especially when they have PLENTY of room on the other side. Hurumph. And for the record, I always stay in between the lines when parking. :)

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