free money

by | Jul 17, 2006 | Daily life

Last week, a company in Baltimore e-mailed us to ask if they could use our photo of the UNC bell tower in a brochure they were putting together. We usually allow free use of our photos to non-profit groups and in some other cases with credit, but this was for their promotional purposes, so we requested (and received) a small fee. It’s always nice to earn a little unexpected money for something you do just for fun.

This shot was taken by me (a rarity on this site) when we were visiting Chapel Hill in February of 2004. Eric was participating in interviews all day for the fellowship that would eventually lead us to move here; I was left to wander around campus and explore.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina (Feb)
Bariloche, Argentina (Feb)
Iguazu Falls, Argentina (Feb)
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Bhutan (May)
Slovenia (Sep)
Treviso, Italy (Sep)
Bologna, Italy (Sep)
Turin, Italy (Oct)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
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Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)