
by | Jun 27, 2006 | Daily life

When we got the Canon Rebel XT last month, we knew we should sell the Olympus C-8080 we had purchased just over a year ago. We had it listed locally on craigslist for a week or two, but no nibbles… so we listed it on eBay. After fielding several questions from various bidders about where we bought it, who from, how many photos we took—a local guy won the auction. He came buy to pick it up yesterday, saving him shipping costs and saving us me a trip to the post office. We made back a good portion of what the camera cost us originally and it’s gone to a good home!

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Our Itinerary

2025 Trips

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Feb)
Bariloche, Argentina (Feb)
Iguazu Falls, Argentina (Feb)
Miami, FL (Feb)
Boston, MA (Apr)
Kathmandu, Nepal (May)
Bhutan (May)
Slovenia (Sep)
Treviso, Italy (Sep)
Bologna, Italy (Sep)
Turin, Italy (Oct)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
Pacific NW (Jun)
Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)