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Bastion Falls

photo taken 6/15/2008

Location: New York
Note: You have to walk along a narrow road to reach the trailhead, cars don't always slow down, so use caution.
Directions: This waterfall is located in Catskill Park. Bastion Falls can be viewed from a bridge on Route 23A, between Palenville and Haines Falls. Take Thruway (I-87) exit 21 and head towards Palenville. From there, take 23A west into the park. The parking area is about 3.5 miles ahead on the left. You'll need to walk back along the road to reach the trailhead. Bastion Falls is visible from the road and Kaaterskill Falls is about 1/2 mile hike upstream.
GPS: 42.19151,-74.070489 (approx.)

Other waterfalls nearby: Kaaterskill Falls

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