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Ammons Falls

photo taken 3/22/2003

Location: Georgia
Note: This drive takes a long time since it's on a gravel road and you'll begin to wonder if you'll ever get there, but the falls are worth it.
Directions: From Clayton go east on Warwoman Road for 10 miles and turn left onto unpaved FS7 (Hale Ridge Road). Follow FS7 for about 9 miles to the junction with FS86 (Overflow Creek Road) and park on the left near the trailhead. The 3/4 mile trail starts out steeply downhill and descends steadily until it reaches the observation bridge at Holcomb Creek Falls. Continue on the trail for another 0.25 mile to Ammons Falls. 2 miles moderate/hard RT hike to both waterfalls and back.
GPS: 34.962146,-83.228688 (approx.)

Other waterfalls nearby: Holcomb Creek Falls

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