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awakening this morning, we discovered that Courtney's room takes on the
pleasant characteristics of an aquarium during the day. The curtains and
walls are a greenish-blue with dolphin accents. Thankfully, Doug warned
us last night that in addition to the local dogs barking in the morning,
we may hear a strange yelling noise. Not to worry, says Doug, it's just
the crazy hadeda bird. Turns out, this bird is a variety of ibis and also
owns the distinction of being one of the loudest birds in Africa. It's
call, 'hadeeeeda,' gives the bird it's name. I'm here to tell you that
this bird is indeed very loud.
little after 10 am this morning we walked to the beach and checked out
the surfing and tide pools. Cody had gone out earlier in his wetsuit to
body board, but by the time we joined them the waves had died down considerably.
We noticed several dogs running on the beach, none with leashes attached.
Consequently, there were few birds to be found. Eric took some photos
of the surf and the limpits along the rocks onshore.
After some
incredibly yummy low-fat milk (silky and thick) and a piece of rusk (very
similiar to biscotti), we drove to the Kalk Bay Fish Fare. It was a festival
to benefit the Holy Trinity Church with food, music and prizes. We parked
along the pier and walked through town stopping for photos and peaking
in shop windows. Once inside the fare, we bought raffle tickets and got
in the long line for the R25 yellowtail braai. Meanwhile, Veda bought
me a mussels snack for R12. Amazing! Two huge green lipped mussels in
the shell with several smaller mussels in a seafood tomato broth and a
huge wedge of French bread, all for under $2! I would have ordered another,
but I decided to try the yellowtail since I was already in line. Although
a bit overcooked for my tastes, everyone tried a little of the fish (including
plopped down in the shade for a bit listening to the traditional music
and people watching. We noticed there were many unaccompanied little kids
running around and figured this must be a pretty safe place. Courtney
went to get ice cream for her and Eric and we got to see what 'flake'
is. A thin flaky Cadbury chocolate bar is placed into an ice cream cone
which is then filled with ice cream. Tasty. She also entered a few raffles
and came back with various little prizes to show off to us.
our way back to the car, we stopped off at a few art shops and I bought
an 3-D elephant card. We also stopped at one of Veda's favorite places,
the Brass Bell and ordered Fishhoek (a Namibian beer) and watched the
waves splash against the seawall right outside the window next to the
Eric walked
out to the end of the pier to take some photos and as we were walking
back a fishing boat, followed by a seagull entourage, was coming back
in with some huge geelbek to sell around 4 pm.
At this point,
Courtney asked if we could go to the Scratch Patch, a precious stone factory
nearby. You pay for a certain size bag and then you look for polished
stones in this large enclosure. We started out looking in the shops and
learning where certain precious stones come from then Eric and I each
got a small bag and Courtney helped us look for some pretty stones. We
managed to fill our bags full just as they were closing.
get home, Veda took the scenic route up Red Hill past the grave of Just
Nuisance. This great dane was a member of the Royal Navy and he used to
get into all kinds of mischief including riding trains throughout Cape
Town to bring home soldiers who had too much to drink. There is a huge
statue of this large beloved dog in Simon's Town.
We stopped
for a glass of wine and Eric had a mango flavored Brutal Fruit at Cobbs
at the Cape in Scarborough. Many of the patrons were watching the
Stormers rugby team game and from the sound of things, they weren't doing
all that well.
had a lovely view of the Kommetjie lighthouse on the way back home, but
Eric's camera batteries died, so we vowed to return later in the trip.
For dinner
we had spaghetti with bolognese sauce and portuguese rolls. At this point,
I was pretty exhausted as I managed to get burned two days into this trip.
First for not having sunblock on after getting off the plane, sitting
in the sun yesterday and from being out again all day today. The best
part of the day (besides the mussels!) was hanging out with Courtney,
who happens to have the same size feet as me!
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