trip officially started with me picking Eric up from work and driving to
the park and ride at the airport. Lucky me, I was selected for an additional
security search (supposedly thanks to my shoes). At least the woman used
the back of her hand like she said she would. Since we had "C"
boarding passes, we simply camped out in line when we got to the gate and
managed to get a middle and aisle seat next to each other.
After arriving
in Philadelphia, we considered taking the shuttle to a downtown location
then walking several blocks to our B&B. The host lady quoted that
price at $5 each but once we discovered it was only $4 more (total) for
a cab ride right to the front door of our hotel, we hailed a taxi.
are a lot of oil refineries just beyond the airport, but the view improved
once we saw the waterfront with the little bit of light that remained
in the day. After arriving at the Columns on Clinton B&B, we called
the number we had for the guy who was watching the place since no one
answered the door when we knocked. Our lady host was actually gone (it
turned out to be for the entire weekend) so a young couple was looking
after the place while we were there. We found out later that these people
lived at the house and couldn't really stand the lady who owned the place.
Great. The man let us in and we decided on the third floor room with the
non-attached bathroom (instead of the fourth floor private-bath room we
reserved) since there was no one else staying on the third floor to share
it with us. Oh, and it was less stairs to walk up. This would become more
important as our leg energy steadily decreased throughout our trip.
unloaded our stuff and walked a few blocks to Sal's on 12th for dinner.
I hadn't eaten lunch, so I was pretty starved by the time we sat down.
I ordered the lobster ravioli with crab meat and shrimp sauce and Eric
got more chicken parmesan than one person has any right to have sitting
in front of them. The food was very tasty and the bread with olive tapenade
before the meal was also good. I ordered a glass of Chianti and Eric stuck
with soda. Unfortunately we had absolutely no room for dessert, so we
took off just as the restaurant was starting to fill up. The place is
very unassuming from the outside, but once you get past the smoky bar
area the room opens up to a nice dining area with columns supporting glass
tabletops and an open kitchen area.
We made it
back to the room to relax a bit before ER came on and then planned the
next day's activities before retiring for the evening.