Belgian beer! (part 2)

by | May 25, 2011 | Food & Drink, International Travel, Travel

On our second trip to Belgium we were just as excited to revisit a few old favorites (de Garre! OMER.!) as we were to try some new breweries. Here’s the beer list from our recent trip with where we drank them… 40 in total.

De Garre (Bruges)
De Garre Tripel (house beer), Gulden Draak, Oerbier Bos Keun (speciaal passbier)

the outstanding de Garre tripel

Cambrinus (Bruges)
Gambrivinus blonde and bruin (house beers), Straffe Hendrick Quadruple (took home two bottles of this!), Trappist Achel (bruin),  Coulier Myrtille (blueberry – meh.)

Aubergine (Bruges)
Brugse Zot (blonde), Leffe Bruin

’t Brugs Beertje (Bruges)
Brugse Zot (dubbel)

Bruges Zup dubbels at ’t Brugs Beertje

Brasserie Forestiere (Bruges)
Westmalle tripel

‘t Poatersgat (Bruges)
Duchesse de Bourgogne, LaChouffe, McChouffe, Echt Kriekenbier

't Poatersgat beers

Uilenspiegel (Bruges)
Hoegaarden (weiss), Leffe Bruin

Delirium Cafe (Brussels)
Brugges Tripel, La Rulles Tripel, Delirium Nocturnum (house beer), Kasteel Rouge, Applebocq, OMER., Delirium Tremens (house beer), Slaapmutske Tripel, Lindemens Faro Lambic, Kriek Boon

La Poechenellekelder (Brussels)
Val-Dieu Bruin, Cantillon Gueuze (sour)

Cantillon baset @ Le Poechenellekelder

A La Mort Subite (Brussels)
Grimbergen Bruin, Framboise (house lambic)

Chez Moeder Lambic Fontainas (Brussels)
Val-Dieu Grand Cru, Kreik Cantillon

Davi Thai (Brussels)
Steenbrugge Blond, Steenbrugge Brune

Paters Vaetje (Antwerp)
Tripel Karmeliet, De Koninck, Keizer Karel Robijn Rood

beers at Paters Vaetje

Nüetnigenough (Brussels)
De Proef Reinaert Tripel, Dupont Saison

Eric’s favorites included the favorites from last time (De Garre Tripel and Omer.) as well as the Straffe Hendrick Quadruple. Leandra’s favorites were the Straffe Hendrick Quadruple, Gulden Draak and the Val-Dieu Gran Cru. For reference, here are the 27 beers we tried the last time we were in Belgium.

Tagged with: beer! | Belgium

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