a sneakpeek into the master bathroom carnage

by | Nov 2, 2006 | House

First, the fun stuff! Here is the color palette for the master bathroom…

The paint color is “silver peony,” (the top one) the towels are “lavender,” and the new flooring will be a nice blend between the purples and the light tan color of the carpet in our bedroom.

After Sunday night’s experience I was not expecting much progress on Monday night in terms of wallpaper removal… however!

(Don’t you just love the stripes? It’s hard to see but there is also an embossed paisley pattern!)

I get an enormous sense of satisfaction when a huge chunk comes off all at once. Granted, the whole room isn’t happening this way, but as of last night I am mostly done with the wallpaper removal.

This photo illustrates the brown core of the drywall now visable in several spots. Eric commented that the previous owners should have primed the walls first as it appears they just slapped the glue and wallpaper right up on the raw drywall. Sigh.

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